You're at school now
38% remaining, 34 minutes left for 1st class today.
You're elsewhere
Your classmates are ending 1st class in 34 minutes.
You missed xxx class
This is the 3rd time missing xxx this semester, remaining 9.
Article statics
12 replies and 89 likes received yesterday
6 unread replies and 1 service message
A new device 221.***.***.64 (Beijing, CN) logged in 10 min ago.
Not my device
Permission request
"dynamic island" request
Location access.
Insufficient Balance for API
Less than 7 days maintainance estimated based on last month avg.
Fingerprint expired.
Fingerprint authentication will reactivate after entering password.
Access attack hypothesis
A suspicious amount of views have been applied to your reply.
Wi-Fi network insecure
If you are connecting to BHSFIC, network manager will be able to see your data.
You are a Plus/Premium user, you can use encryption to hide content.Use encryption to send my data.
Suspicious login attempts
221.***.***.64 (BJ, CN) tried to log into your account and entered the password wrong for 13 times!
Password Leak Reminder (BJ, CN) failed to complete 2FA after entering correct password as a new device.
Suspicious Request Source
173.***.***.89 (Vermont, US) is the 1st ip in this country for u to access the product this month.
Tokens usage
You have suspicious consuming data (API) from BJ, China (221.***.***.64)
And more varied convenient features coming in Feb 2025